Service Level Agreement Reports

The SLA (Service Level Agreement) Report can be viewed by either looking at the SLA Responses or the SLA Completions of all closed tickets.  

A response time on a ticket is defined by the amount of time it takes for the end user to receive a response from a technician.  The response time is recorded when a technician replies to the end user from the ticket detail letting them know they have receive the ticket.  

A completion time is defined by the amount of time it takes for a technician to close a ticket.  If the ticket is ever reopened then the SLA Completion time will be reset.

There are two reports available in the SLA Report.

 The 'On-Time' Report 

The On-time report shows you the number of tickets during the stated time period.
Tkt Count - The number of all closed tickets during the stated period of the report 
Status - Indicates you are looking at either R for Responses or C for Completion
Adj Tkt Count - The adjusted ticket count takes in consideration only tickets that have greater then 0 defined in their Priorities & SLA settings.
On-Time Count - The number of the Adjusted Ticket Count that were successfully responded to or closed inside the Goal Time 
Goal Time - The stated SLA Goal Time is what is defined in your Priorities & SLA settings.  If no Priority is set in the report filter then you will get a blended Goal Time based on your ticket count.
Actual - The percentage of your On-Time Count against your Adjusted Ticket Count  
Goal - The stated SLA Goal % is defined in your Priorities & SLA settings.  If no priority is set in the report filter then you will get a blended Goal % based on your Adjusted Ticket Count.   
Diff - The difference between the Actual percentage and the Goal percentage.
Graph - Bar graph showing the details of the difference between Actual and Goal amounts.  You can increase the graph width by expanding the Graph Width filter on the report.

NOTE: If you run the report and 'Group By' Priority or you set the Priority filter in the report then you will get the Goal Time of your stated SLA. If you run your reports by another grouping (i.e. Accounts) and you don't choose a Priority in your filter then the system will calculate a weighted number for the Goal Time and Goal Percentage.

The 'Goal vs. Actual' Report

The Goal vs Actual report shows you the how you actually did compared to your SLA goals.
Tkt Count - The number of all closed tickets during the stated period of the report 
Status - Indicates you are looking at either R for Responses or C for Completion
Goal TimeThe stated SLA Goal Time is what is defined in your Priorities & SLA settings.  If no Priority is set in the report filter then you will get a blended Goal Time based on your ticket count.
Actual Time - The average response or completion time of the Ticket Count
Goal - The stated SLA Goal % is defined in your Priorities & SLA settings.  If no priority is set in the report filter then you will get a blended Goal % based on your Adjusted Ticket Count.   
Diff - The difference between the Goal Time and the Actual Time.
Diff % - The percentage between the Goal Time and the Actual Time.
Graph - Bar graph showing the details of the difference between Actual and Goal amounts.  You can increase the graph width by expanding the Graph Width filter on the report.