How do I transfer an existing ticket to a project for a client?

  1. Ben Colletti
    25 March, 2014

    Greetings Patrick,

    The specific issue I was having was that I needed to transfer a ticket from one account to another. The account I was trying to transfer it into had a project that the ticket was supposed to be attached to. I ended up deleting the original ticket and recreating it in the right account with the project. It was kinda annoying though since I had to reenter all the time that was worked in the original ticket as well.

    Best Regards,
    Ben Colletti
    Technical Specialist
    W: 18008932650
    C: 2157583369

    Best Answer

  1. 1

    Patrick Clements
    25 March, 2014

    Hey Ben,

    Oh yeah. We actually have this functionality and sometimes it may be hard to notice on the first time. If you hover over the user’s name you will get a ‘Transfer Account’ link. This will allow you to select a new account. Once it’s associated to the new account you should see this account’s projects. Let me know if you are able to see this.

    Check out the images.


    Following files were uploaded:
    Account Transfer.jpg
    Account Transfer2.jpg

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    Ben Colletti
    25 March, 2014

    Greetings Patrick,

    The specific issue I was having was that I needed to transfer a ticket from one account to another. The account I was trying to transfer it into had a project that the ticket was supposed to be attached to. I ended up deleting the original ticket and recreating it in the right account with the project. It was kinda annoying though since I had to reenter all the time that was worked in the original ticket as well.

    Best Regards,
    Ben Colletti
    Technical Specialist
    W: 18008932650
    C: 2157583369

    Best Answer
  3. 0

    Patrick Clements
    24 March, 2014

    You should see the projects listed in the right hand column once you are in the ticket details. The projects are listed out per account. So you will only see the projects associated to the account listed on the ticket.