All outbound messages from Sherpadesk are being flagged as spam by my mail provider. My guess is ...

All outbound messages from Sherpadesk are being flagged as spam by my mail provider. My guess is because I don’t have sherpadesk in my SPF record, nor am I able to find how to send mail through my office 365 smtp service. My customer notifications are also being quarantined and they’re never seeing them.

Responses to this question

  1. 0

    Patrick (BWA) Clements
    27 January, 2018

    Hey Todd,

    Are you guys getting your email notifications now?

    Please let us know

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    Patrick (BWA) Clements
    25 January, 2018

    Hey Todd,

    Can you check your notifications defaults. You can see this by going to Configuration > Notifications.

    If all the notices are checked, then please check your email diagnostics Configuration > Emails > Email Diagnostics. You can see all the traffic that leaves SherpaDesk. If messages are going out then please check your mail sever to see if these are getting trapped.

  3. 0

    Todd Klein
    24 January, 2018

    I am forwarding to my sherpadesk dropbox. The messages create tickets properly, but I receive no notifications, nor do my customers. I also do not get any notifications on my iPhone when tickets are created.

  4. 0

    Jon Vickers
    24 January, 2018

    Hey Todd,

    Emails coming out of sherpadesk come out from the domain

    You should not need any SPF records, since the email use the domain. Our servers do contain SPF records though.

    Can you rephrase a little more, I don't fully understand where the issue is happening.

    Are you forwarding mail?

  5. 0

    Patrick Clements
    22 January, 2018

    Hey Todd

    Are you able to whitelist our domain? SherpaDesk sends a lot of in-app messages and every now and then a spam directory will list us.

    Do you know which directory is listing us as SPAM?

    I have included our Project Manager on this to help with this issue.