Is there a way to set date format on reports?


I have a question, is there a way to set date format on reports? (I set it in my profile, but it does not work on the reports).

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

  1. Patrick Clements
    07 July, 2015

    You can go to Configuration > Localization, Time, and Dates section. Here you can set the default date format for the system (vs personal format).

    Best Answer

  1. 1

    Michael Khramov
    10 July, 2015

    Fixed. Ready on beta.
    It will be available on production after next production update.

  2. 1

    Arturo Chumbes
    08 July, 2015

    Hi Patrick, I set this, but the header in 'Time log detail report' shows mm/dd/yyyy format (in 'Printer Friendly' screen attached to this mail). Thanks in advance for your help! Arturo. On Wed, Jul 8, 2015, 12:08 Patrick Clements - SherpaDesk <> wrote: > Following file was uploaded:

  3. 1

    Patrick Clements
    07 July, 2015

    You can go to Configuration > Localization, Time, and Dates section. Here you can set the default date format for the system (vs personal format).

    Best Answer