Email Parser Commands

Parser Commands

cmd close - used to close a ticket

cmd close all - close with related tickets

cmd reopen - reopens a closed ticket

cmd confirm - confirms a closed ticket

cmd onhold - places a ticket "On Hold"

cmd pickup - transfers the ticket to yourself as the technician. Allows a user to pick up a ticket from a support queue.

cmd user xxx - XXX = {email address | Last Name | Full Name | Me} - this command changes the user of the ticket using the email address of the user.

cmd adduser xxx - XXX = {email address | Last Name | Full Name} - adds an alternate user to the ticket

cmd addtech xxx - XXX = {email address | Last Name | Full Name} - adds an additional tech to the ticket

cmd addalttech xxx - XXX - = {email address | Last Name | Full Name} - adds an additional alt tech to the ticket

cmd transfer xxx- XXX = {email address | Last Name | Full Name} - transfers the ticket to a new technician

cmd tech xxx - XXX = {emailAddress | LastName | Full Name} - Same as "cmd transfer", changes the technician on the ticket

cmd techonly send techonly visible response

cmd subject xxx - will change the subject of the ticket to XXX

cmd class xxx - changes the class of the ticket to XXX. NOTE: if the class has any white spaces the class will need to be in quotes i.e. cmd class "hardware failure". You can also assign to sub classes by adding a backslash i.e. cmd class class/sub class

cmd priority 2 - changes the priority of the ticket to "2"

cmd time 1.2 - adds a time log of 1.2 hours to the ticket. NOTE: The time log must include a whole number. If you are wanting to add 15 mins to a ticket then it would need to be entered as cmd time 0.25.

cmd time 1.2 [Task Type] - adds a time log of 1.2 hours to the ticket for a particular task type. (ex. cmd time 1.2 Design). NOTE: The parser does not accept multi word task types. If your task type is 'Remote Support' then the command would be cmd time 1.2 remote.

cmd expense units [Expense Category] - inputs expense units for a ticket in integer format (ex. cmd expense 3 'Hardware > Cabling')

cmd junk - deletes the ticket and adds the user's email to the junk email list

cmd delete | cmd del - deletes existing ticket. Only System Administrators will be able to perform this command.

cmd account | cmd acct - assigns the ticket to the identified account. You can also assign tickets to an account location by adding the backslash after the account i.e. cmd account account name/location name.

cmd location | cmd loc - assigns the ticket to a location. NOTE: If the location has any white spaces i.e. San Fransisco the location will need to be in quotes "San Francisco"

cmd userfind | cmd finduser - parser will find the original user in the forwarded email and assign them to the end user of the ticket

cmd waiting - parser will update the ticket to Waiting on Response status

cmd level - changes the level of the ticket

cmd escalate - will escalate the ticket to the next level

cmd deescalate - will deescalate the ticket to the previous level

cmd end - indicate end of commands

Forwarding E-mail Rules

XXX = emailAddress, LastName, Full Name, or "Me"

Default Action: If you forward an email to your public support email address (, you will become the user of the ticket and the technician will be selected via routing rules. For this behavior to work the email subject must have FWD: or FW: (one of the default subject prefixes in most email systems)

Setting the End User on the Ticket: There are two ways to set the end user on the ticket. a.) use the command "cmd user xxx" or b.) the parser can search into the body of the ticket and find the user's email address using the command "cmd finduser". Generally when you forward the email the previous user's email is right below your message you write, embedded into the body of the forwarded email. We can find that email address and make that person the user of the ticket, using the command to tell our parser to search into the ticket for that user's email.

Setting Yourself as the Tech and NOT use Routing: When forwarding, use the command "cmd tech me" on a separate line to tell the parser you should be the tech on the ticket and NOT to using the routing rules to find the tech.

Example in Outlook
