How To Setup ToDos

Our Task Management (ToDos) feature is designed to give you transparency into the status of all your assigned tasks by issues or projects. By using this tool (ToDos), you'll have complete visibility into the status of each task you assign and easily view how your team is managing all pending tasks without having to ask for updates.

You can also use the ToDo t feature as a training tool for recurring tasks where you can assign tasks that include templates and instructions to aid training and onboarding.

This video will walk you through how to set up SherpaDesk's Task Management Feature (TO-DOs)

ToDos are very specific tasks that you can assign to a technician. They have several uses, for example; serve as reminders for pending or recurring tasks, training aids for systematic tasks, and also for recurring maintenance orders.

How To Setup ToDos

1-Select ToDo from the Global (+) drop-down menu.

2-Set a task (name task + add date & time task is due).

3-Assign task to yourself or to others.

5-Check off task from ToDo list once completed

How To Setup Recurring & Systematic tasks

1-Go to ToDo Templates

2-Create a Template for recurring tasks: For example, New Hire template, or how to Create a Ticket for a recurring task.

3-Assign templated tasks during new ticket creation. Ticket templates will walk techs through each step of their assigned tasks. Once all tasks are completed, the ticket can be closed to finish the process (onboarding, training, etc.).

4-You can preload ToDo templates to ticket types, for example, all your new hire tickets will include the new hire template (plus any other template required). That way, you can automate the whole onboarding process with just one ticket that includes several tasks.

How To Create Scheduled Maintenance Work Orders

1-Click on Schedule Maintenance located in the Tickets main page to create a recurring ticket(s).

2-Set the date and time of the recurring schedule.

The work order is now automated to go out on your set schedule (once a week, once a month, etc.) and will include the ToDo templates that you've assigned to it.